The Grundback Gunners are fun little light warjacks that I like to think of as "walking guns"- I mean look at them! I do not yet have enough Rhulic units to field an entire Searforge army but I plan to jack marshall these gunners to my Hammerfall High Shields in the meantime in support of contract armies.
I painted these guys the standard Hammerfall Khaki. I wanted a clean, un-worn look but after my initial paintjob I decided to go back and given them a Gun Corps Brown wash to bring out the details a little more.

The newer Horgenhold Artillery Corps are some of my favorite Warmachine minis to date. I decided to call the main gunner "Red" after the color I chose for her hair. The armor was a combination of Hammerfall Khaki and Thornwood Green. I like the poses of the 'support' minis- the loader and the troop directing the shot. I used my usual baking soda-white glue-white paint mix to make the "snow" for the bases.
The only conversions I made to the model are visible from the rear. I replaced "Red"'s axe with a sword from my bits box and made sandbags out of green stuff as a backstop to the mortar. I am really looking forward to fielding this unit and the long-range punch that it packs.
And above you can see a "group shot" of my new Rhulics!
Double click on the video below for a full "Figure Feature" for these minis on my Youtube Channel...
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